Who am I?

I am her mom. I am his mom. They are adults now… Barely, but the law says that they are. She is 19, he is 21. I am his wife. We have been together for 25 years. 5 years ago, he survived Prostate Cancer. 4 months ago he was diagnosed with Dimentia. 3 days ago the neuropsychiatrist said she feels that it’s Frontal Love Dimentia… So that sucks.

I am a daughter. Dad passed away 8.5 years ago. Mom lives on the other side of the country. I’m a sister, the oldest of 3. My brother lives an hour away but he is very hermit like so I don’t get to see him often. My sister lives in Japan with her 2 daughters and her husband. My brother in law is in the Air Force so I won’t be able to see them for about 4 more years. I miss my sibs so much.

I’m a friend. I prefer a small group of friends that I have known for years. I believe that my friends are actually family that you choose. My friends are all very different and have definitely made my life so much better.

I work for a large utility. I have been a supervisor for 9 years and I am lucky enough to live my job… most of the time. I have had the pleasure of helping people develop and make careers that they love. I have been a mentor, a trainer, a disciplinarian…. Heck, I have even been a mother to them when needed.

I’m a survivor of incest. It was my uncle. I was 12.

I’m overweight. At my heaviest I struggled. I am 2 pounds away from losing 100 pounds. I recently joined Weight Watchers and for the first time in my life I am being selfish and putting my health first.

I am Catholic, I am a Democrat, I believe that those are my choices and will not force my beliefs on others. I value your perspective and look at a dialogue as a learning opportunity, not a debate.

I have a special place in my heart for “broken kids”. I have a passion for Women’s issues. I will stand in front of the world and scream about the lack of care we give to mental health in this country while people argue about a wall.

I love my pups more than most of the people that I have met.

I love action movies, science fiction, superheroes and vigilantes. I have very strong opinions about Batman. End of the world movies after a crap day…soothes my soul.

I love to read, Scarlett O’Hara is my favorite character. My dogs are named Scarlett and Mellie.

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